fare types

A variety of FARE TYPES are offered when booking THE GHAN, the INDIAN PACIFIC and GREAT SOUTHERN. There are limited numbers of each fare type per departure, so your preferred fare type may not always be available.

Advance Purchase Fare

A discounted fare. These are only available when booking a minimum of six months before departure. Limited numbers of this fare type per departure.


Full payment is required to confirm your booking.


Non-Refundable should you chose to cancel.

Date changeable. Non date changeable within 90 days or less before departure.

Subject to availability, price may vary depending on date chosen due to seasonal pricing or year to year price changes.


Date changeable.

Change requests permitted up to 90 days prior to commencement of the Journey (when available) . CHANGE FEE - $ 250 per person (plus additional fare cost if relevant).

You can change one name (for a twin share cabin) - up until 90 days before departure.

Non date changeable 90 days or less before departure.

Changes subject to availability, price may vary depending on date chosen due to seasonal pricing or year to year price changes.

Saver Fare


Full payment is required to confirm your booking.


Loss of 50% if you chose to cancel.

- a minimum of 90 days before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel 90 days or less before departure.


Date changeable.

You can change one name (for a twin share cabin) up until 90 days or less before departure.

Change requests permitted up to 95 days prior to commencement of the Journey.  Fee - $ 250 per person

Non date changeable 90 days or less before departure.

Subject to availability, price and deposit requirement may vary depending on date chosen.

Everyday Fare

Date changeable. Non date changeable 46 days or less before departure.


2025: A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.

2026 Gold Service: A $ 1,000 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.

2026 Platinum Service: A $ 1,500 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.


Loss of deposit if you chose to cancel a minimum of 46 days before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel 45 days or less before departure.


You can change one name (for a twin share cabin) up until 46 days before departure.  

Amendments can be made more than 46 days before departure (when available). A $ 100 per person amendment fee applies (plus additional fare cost if relevant).

Subject to availability, price and deposit requirement may vary depending on date chosen.  

Flexible Fare

A more expensive fare but flexible and refundable.


Requires full payment when booking to confirm.


Fully refundable should you choose to cancel, provided you cancel a minimum of two days before travel date - though third party cancellation fees (tours/hotels/transfers) may apply if relevant.

Online Exclusive Sale Fare

Non refundable. Non amendable. Non transferable.

Everyday Group (non escorted) Fare


2025: A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.

2026 Gold Service: A $ 1,000 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.


Loss of deposit if you chose to cancel a minimum of 46 days before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel 46 days or less before departure.


Non amendable. Non transferable. No changes permitted.

The Overland

The following fare types are available when booking The Overland (Melbourne - Adelaide or v.v)


These are more expensive, requires full payment within 24 hours of booking to confirm. Fully refundable if cancelled (in writing) more than 48 hours prior to departure (third party cancellation fees may apply).      

Amendments - Free of charge up to two days prior to departure. Subject to availability and possible increase fare cost (if relevant).

EVERYDAY FARE - 100% cancellation fees apply.
A request to reduce the number of guests travelling will incur any applicable cancellation fee.

Amendments - Free of charge up to two days prior to departure. Subject to availability and possible increase fare cost (if relevant).

READY RAIL - 100% cancellation fees apply. Nil amendments allowed.

Australis & Aurora Suite

Everyday Fare

Date changeable up until 91 days prior to departure. Non-date changeable 91 days or less before departure.


A $ 3,000 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due 105 days before departure.


Loss of deposit if you chose to cancel a minimum of 91 days before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel 90 days or less before departure.


Amendments can be made more than 91 days before departure (when available). A $ 500 per person amendment fee applies (plus additional fare cost if relevant).

Subject to availability, price and deposit requirement may vary depending on date chosen.  


Rail package holidays involve rail, hotels and touring. Terms and Conditions for package Holidays are as follows



2025: A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.

2026 Gold Service: A $ 1,500 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.

2026 Platinum Service: A $ 2,000 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due two months before departure.


Loss of deposit if you chose to cancel a minimum of 46 days before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel 45 days or less before departure.


Date changeable.

Amendments can be made more than 46 days before departure (when available) for $ 100 per person (plus additional fare cost if relevant).

You can change one name (for a twin share cabin) up until 46 days before departure.

Subject to availability, price and deposit requirement may vary depending on date chosen.



2025: A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due 195 days before departure.

2026: A $ 1,500 per person non-refundable deposit is required to confirm and the balance due 195 days before departure.


Loss of deposit if you chose to cancel a minimum of 6 months before travel.

Full loss of fare if you cancel six months or less before departure.


Changes permitted up to six months prior to departure. Fare difference may apply.

Change fee: $250.00 per guest per change.

The above is a guide to each fare type, for full details please refer to the Terms and Conditions to see full details.